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Light Horse Display and Demonstration

 Skill-at-arms              Equipment display


Tasmania's 22nd Lighthorse Regiment

A real life reminder of Tasmania's mounted soldiers

See also:

Tasmania's 22nd Lighthorse Regiment


Real life reminder of Tasmania's mounted soldiers

BRIDGEWATER HIGH'S 2007 Fete at the Farm featured a thrilling demonstration: the charge of the light-horseman.

A light-horseman is a soldier who is lightly armed and rides a horse to patrol his territory or reach a battle.

Tasmania’s 22nd Lighthorse Regiment was the last horse-mounted unit in Tasmania.

It served our country until it was disbanded in 1943.

During World War 2 the lighthorse soldiers patrolled Tasmania's east coast.

Earlier versions of the regiment served overseas in World War 1 and in the Boer War.

At our Fete, light-horseman Nevill (Norm) Thomas presented a display of clothing and equipment used in World War 1.

Wearing the 22nd Lighthorse Regiment’s full uniform and badges he mounted his horse to give real-life demonstrations of the lighthorseman’s “skill at arms”.

“Skill at arms” is the ability to strike a target with a sword (a “sabre”) or a lance while maintaining control of a galloping horse.

During last century, lighthorsemen used skill at arms mainly for training and competition.

Nevill Thomas’s demonstrations at the Fete were nicely timed as they will help us to focus our minds on the Anzac Day commemorations on Wednesday, 25 April.

Britain’s World War 2 Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, joined a light horse unit in the Boer War.

Towards the end of the nineteenth century, he took part in the Sudan’s Battle of Omdurman which was the last mounted British cavalry charge with lances.

(Reproduced with permission from the 19 April 2007 issue of Info, the newsletter of Bridgewater High School)

Lighthorseman at Bridgewater High School's Farm Fete

Light-horseman Nevill Thomas at Bridgewater High School's farm at Brighton, Tasmania.

Lighthorseman's skill-at-arms demonstration: using the sabre      Lighthorseman's skill-at-arms demonstration: using the lance

Skill-at-arms: using the the sabre, left, and the lance. Also see movie.

World War 1 water bottle, slouch hat

Display: Water bottle and other equipment. See the Display page for details.




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