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Modern Anzac Day songs

See also

Modern songs for Anzac Day ceremonies
See also:  Bugle Calls and anthems  Hymns






These modern or "contemporary" songs can be used as alternatives to hymns or in addition to hymns in Anzac Day ceremonies.

Anzac songs with video
Lest We Forget  (
Lest We Forget (Dogmatic Music)This song from Dogmatic Music ( is specially written for use in schools. Watch and listen to the YouTube video free. The same 3min17sec version is available for purchase and download from It is also sold as part of Dogmatic Music's Anzac Day Kit for schools.

John Schumann - On Every Anzac Day (
Official music video of a song that pays special tribute to Australia's Indigenous soldiers.

Lee Kernaghan - Spirit of the Anzacs (
"He's a drover drifting over Western plains..." Tribute to Anzac soldiers by country singer Lee Kernaghan.
- Spirit of the Anzacs lyrics (
Vic Belsher - An Old Log CabinNew An Old Log Cabin by V.C. Belsher (
Vic Belsher's peformance of his song about the camaraderie and loyalty among former soldiers is set in the Briagolong (Victoria) RSL log cabin.
See also Slideshow videos.

Anzac songs with audio only
"[Error]" beside some of the following links indicates that the web page's security certificate has apparently expired. However the page is still accessible.

Lugh Damen: Cry for my countryLugh Damen - Cry For My country (

Singer/songwriter Lugh Damen has placed all eleven tracks of his album Cry For My Country on SoundCloud where you can listen to them free of charge.

He also provides the lyrics [Error].

Of particular relevance to Anzac Day are:

For Anzac Day:
Cold Light of Dawn* (dedicated to those who served at Gallipoli) Lyrics [Error] [pdf]
To My Fellow Man* (dedicated to all soldiers that have helped each other). Lyrics [pdf].
Home From the War* (Vietnam veterans). Lyrics [Error] [pdf].
Me Darlin' Boy (based on letters between Simpson and his mother). Lyrics [Error] [pdf].

On the futility of war:
Battlefield* (vivid description of carnage). Lyrics [Error] [pdf].

For the women nurses:
The Veil of Night (dedicated to women healers and nurses). Lyrics [Error] [pdf].

Title track (instrumental):
Cry For My Country (depicts Australia's history as a nation - ranges from the didgeridoo through to Waltzing Matilda).

To download the album or individual tracks you need to pay through Lugh Damen's cdbaby page [Error]. For information about public performance licences for the downloaded songs see the licensing [Error] page [pdf]. Note the following information about free use of four of these songs.

*The four songs marked with an asterisk may be used by schools and services organisations in Anzac Day, Remembrance Day and Vietnam Veterans ceremonies without having to pay a public performance licensing fee as long as permission is obtained first.

MORE SONGS: Lugh Damen's songs of special relevance to Remembrance Day are listed on our Remembrance Day modern song alternatives page.

John Schumann - Anzac Biscuits (
Anzac Biscuits (John Schumann)John Schumann's song Anzac Biscuits is inspired by the book Anzac Biscuits by Phil Cummings (published by Scholastic).
- YouTube version of song Anzac Biscuits
- Lyrics (

- There is also a recorded interview with John Schumann including a 50-second sample of the song (at the end of the interview) on this ABC page (


See also our Remembrance Day Modern song alternatives page, as some songs listed there are also suitable for use in Anzac Day ceremonies.


See also:

Music for Anzac Day

Organising an Anzac Day ceremony

Remembrance Day: Music for ceremonies




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